This weird bridge we used to play under, pt. 1

Every group of friends has their meet up spot, right? Like were we normal to be out here, or not? I could've caught some disease ya'll.

I guess read this post if you wanna know the dumb stuff that goes on in the minds of children.
Me and Sqwee gonna talk about our experiences under the bridge with our two respective sets of ambiguously brown friends.

Lets explore that weird bridge by John F. Kennedy elementary

Learning about Sex

Sqwee -- I was 6 when I stole my first dog. He was a maltipoo. I loved him. When the owner came to take him back, I pulled back on my gat and fired off. I did the race and found myself free. Some people think I grew up too fast, but I didn't. There were so many things I didn't learn about until I was older. Even then. I wasn't ready.

It laid there. Unrolled. It looked like the balloons clowns would use to create balloon animals. This one even came with a little nose on it. We just stared at it. Brown Kid #1 kicked
it with his shoe. At least it wasn't filled. I didn't know what it was. I raised by my single mother. I knew what I was staring at was something important, but what was it?

Brown Kid #2 whispered to me, "Bro, that one's hella big." I chuckled. "My dad's are like way smaller. That's like a Magnum or some shit." Magnum. Trojan. Right.

But what should we do with it? We all began kicking it back and forth at each other. It's your mom's. It's your dad's. It's yours. 

Then Brown Kid We Didn't Dant in the Group came over, "Hey guys!" That's all he would ever say. He guys. But he was a nice boy. "What are you guys doing?" "Come on guys let me see." "Guys don't be dicks."

He saw. He stared at us. We didn't know it went clear. We thought it stayed that grey color. Brown Kid #1 got a stick and flung it at Brown Kid We Didn't Want in the Group.

Throwing a used condom at someone isn't one of the highlights of my life, but in a weird way it was. At least when we picked the topic in Sex Ed, I knew the difference between a Magnum and a Trojan.

Other Bridge Sharers 

We didn't even really do nuthin under our bridge. Like I remember this one time, we found a homeless guy asleep and we started trynna dare each other to go poke him. We weren't gonna hurt him, naw, just poke'm. But we are all too scared. Like homeboi wasn't a queit sleeper either, sounded like a bear sleepin. All this gruntin' and shit.

So we go back the next day. Homeless guy's awake, and we're all mad because we lost the bridge. Fuck-off-homeless-guy-this-our-bridge kinda shit about to go down. He over eatin some beans, but we wanna smoke, throw rocks at each other, and talk about which teachers we wanted to punch.We don't need it, but the bridge was ours. We decide, let's chase him away.

We squad up, bunch of brown kids screaming and hollerin, but old dude's just standin there. We keep chargin. He starts barkin at us. Real gutteral stuff. Like this dude wasn't pretending to be a dog. He really think he one.

Got me fucked up. I was like naw, I'm not getting any closer. See, ya'll already know, beautiful O.G ain't fallin for no traps.

I'm the tallest one at the time, and I just stop movin towards him. One of friends gets too close and hobo John over their spits on my boi. We all ran away.

My friend thought he had HIV for a couple of days.

Bridge smells like piss now. I mean, it did before, but whatever.

My First Punch 

Before My life of serious crime began, I was what you called an honors student. My dog napping was seen as the act of a bored child, and it was. Besides, Maltipoos are adorbz. But I learned early on no matter how happy and cheerful you want to be, someone will try to push you. Even among friends. 

Brown Kids #1 and I were very close, but around middle school, he and I began arguing more and more. I wanted to reconcile the problem, offer a handshake and call it that, but he got it in his head he needed to be some big threat to everyone. So when he punched me, I wasn't too shocked.

Now I didn't want to throw back, but mama didn't raise no sucka. My face stung, and I was holding back tears, but I swung back, as hard as I could, with as much anger as I had over him refusing to let things be bygones. 

And I felt it. That sting in my jaw jolted down my neck into my knuckles. There was a second after the feeling where I heard nothing but silence then SMACK and THUD. #1 was in the dirt.

I wanted to let everything go. We good be friends and be happy, but sometimes, people don't learn until they're taught. 

Afterwards, we apologized to each other. But the group got really enamored with fighting. We started boxing after school. None of was were good at because none of knew how to box, but we would meet up and spar under the bridge.
