What Gang Should You Join?

I remember bein a youngin. My friends went around the playground shoutin BKGC. I didn't know what they were doin, but damn right I joined in.

Bitch Killa Gainst Crip. Oooh boi.

For this article, ya beautiful OG aka Cocaine Biceps aka the the waviest waves in Stockton aka Thicc Glocc is stepin aside and letting an expert on gang violence take the wheel. You want to join a gang around here? Follow this boi's advice.

Hello everyone! I am Lil Baby Sqwee. Now, if I were on trial for chipper and cheerful, oh, I'd be found guily right away. But don't fooled. I was convicted of arson, robbery, armed robbery, assault with a deadly weapon, street terrorism, and dog napping. I may not be beautful enough to be a model, but I know Stockton (or Glockton, hm, for all you hard thuggers out there) gangs. I was a member of both the Conway Crips and Westside Bloods.

The following are some considerations you ought to make as you decide what gang best suits you.
Overall, just remember to do what feels right for you. This is a big decision.


Location, location, location.

Arguably the most important part of what set works best for you is where you are.

This nifty map shows some of the gang territories in our town. If you find yourself in an an area controlled by a single gang, they'll be your best bet. But sometimes you may be in disputed territory. Ask around. Everyone gets it. The new ones are nervous. Check around the street corners, the drug stores, and the east side abandoned houses for what gang members themselves think of their set.

Joining the wrong set will only cause problems. Imagine going for your morning pimp walk, and someone notices your flag is purple in an area controlled by the Asian Boyz. The other member may come up and ask, "Hello, is that the crew you are repping, friend?" Alternatively, they may try to jump you.

Know where you are, and who is in control. If the gang you want to join is out of reach either change you could always consider moving. But, hey, learning to change your expectations and ride or die with a set of krazy killaz you weren't planning on getting to know may lead you to a better experience than you could have imagined. A change in plans is just a gift from the unexpected, after all.

The Best Color For You

Javier's Reppin' Varrio Locos, but Someone Should Have Told Him Red is Not His Color

Do you look good in red? What about blue? Do the hues matter? You can't strike fear into your hoes or enemies if the crew color doesn't complement your lovely skin tone.

This video from One Dapper Street provides expert analysis into how picking the right colors for your ensemble depends not just on the clothes you wear, but skin undertone.

That's right coolness and warmness mater! Not just how tan you are. Essentially, if you fall on the cooler side of the colors, you'll want to think about joining crews who use blues like the Crips and affiliates (Black Gurellia Family and Asian Boyz). Warmer, go bloods and the others who use reds.
For those of you outside of Stockton, gangs like the Latin Kings offer the rare chance to carry a purple flag!

Keep in mind, your warmness and coolness will not exclude you from ever wearing red or blue or yellow. You may just need to get creative and rep a flag and shirt that offers a more flattering hue or saturation. Why not be the Blood on your corner decked out in burgundy?

Just please, make it easier on the homies. Don't be the one their embarrassed to include in photos.


Uh oh, I don't think Marquis or Chansang are getting into those 88's in Lodi

Stockton is a beautiful city because of it's diversity. But imagine you walking into a traditional Hindu or Chinese restaurant. Would you feel comfortable with people wandering what someone like you was doing in there? It's a sad reality, but many gangs do have a preference for particular ethnicities.

But just remember, this is where you can research affiliates to the gang you wanted to join. While on street gang may have a preference, there's a good chance they're working with a crew that is either more inclusive or is looking for someone exactly like you to join.

What Letters do You Use Most

No More Blue Berries for You, Mister Cripper. 

As an experienced gang member, I am always amazed to find out prospective initiates don't know about language rules. 

     Crips do not use B or Bl
     Bloods do not use C

These rules true, of course, for affiliates too.

Remember, upon initiation, each banger is assigned a small faithful companion to watch over them. These companions are the descendants of Verne Troyer. If you're not sure what the popular star of the Austin Powers franchise has to do with gangs, or how his offspring became part of regulating the code of conduct among gangsters, then you really need to research gang life more.

But our small friends will remind us to not use the letters of our enemies by lightly licking your ear canal. Although some of us to enjoy the sensation, the cold feeling of saliva in the ear can lead to ear infections.

So, be sure to reflect on your speech. What are your favorite foods? What are the names of your loved ones? Avoid unneeded tension in your life. 

Closing Thoughts

How to Describe Your New Life
Being the bad boy or bad girl is fun. We all want to break free from the conformity society imposes on us. For others though, they're looking for an escape from poverty and isolation. Whatever drives you to join please remember not to describe yourself as:
  •     being into gang banging 
  •      loving gang banging
  •      at the mercy of gang banging
  •      in the middle of a gang bang

It's Okay to Think it Over

Before you start cappin' them hoes down the street for talkin shit on you, think it over. How much do you really get along with Simon and Madd Dogg? Do you ever miss hanging around with Li and Sang?Getting initiated into your gang's a huge step.

Take a sabbatical, see what they all have to offer you.
Most of the time, the gang member who takes the time to love themselves first, and know who they are is the coldest-hearted, realest killa on the street.

As Big Willie Style Always Ends with,

Love and Yah.


Yah fams, I'm not sure how to review this one.

But I try. Cus that's we do.

Diversity: We got a gang for every shade/ Lodi, Tracy, Modesto, and Turlock Rural Areas
Upwards Mobility: Go from throwin your trash-ass shoes over the wire to slinging rock/ American                                     Gangster
Tattoos: That kid you never talk to/ A chest portrait of that dude who used to hook you up


  1. Beautiful, thank you for changing my life. I’ll start scouting East Side gangs as soon as my gloc comes in the mail.


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